What are the complications of Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol)?

Elevated total cholesterol, elevated LDL (bad) cholesterol and low HDL (good) cholesterol are risk factors for plaque buildup in the arteries causing coronary artery disease. This risk is greater when diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cigarette smoking or lack of exercise are associated conditions.

What is a normal (desirable) lipid profile?

A total cholesterol <200, LDL <100 and HDL >40 mg/dL is considered a desirable lipid profile. If your cholesterol numbers are abnormal or your risk is high, consult with your doctor to determine the best way to manage your condition and reduce your risk.

Calculate your risk with this  ACC/AHA CV Risk calculator web

How can you treatment Hyperlipidemia?

  1. Exercise, weight management, healthy nutrition plus aggressive treatment of other risk factors are important
  2. Medications: Statins and other drugs have been proven to reduce mortality in some patients who are at risk for cardiovascular disease.

What are the guidelines for preventing cardiovascular disease in patients with hyperlipidemia?

Cholesterol & Hyperlipidemia